The Flying Doctor Podcast

Welcome to the Flying Doctor podcast, with real stories of real patients and RFDS staff!

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Flying Doctor Podcast - All released interviews

Welcome to another season of "The Flying Doctor Podcast!"

As we embark on this new journey, we continue to bring you the remarkable stories, experiences, and voices that define the heart and soul of the Australian Outback.

"The Flying Doctor Podcast" is more than just a podcast; it's a testament to the enduring spirit of mateship, resilience, and the vital role played by the Royal Flying Doctor Service in the Outback.

In each episode of this season, we delve into the authentic and uplifting narratives of real patients and their families who have braved the challenges and celebrated the triumphs of life in the bush. These are the voices that capture the essence of mateship, the power of resilience, and the unwavering support provided by the RFDS.

Listen to our episodes right here on our website or find us on your favorite podcast platform, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and more.

Flying Doctor Podcast - Listener Top Picks

We regularly release new interviews and with so many to listen to - where do you start? 

Here are the podcasts that have been the most popular to date, based on listener downloads to date:

There has been some wonderful feedback from listeners and those we have interviewed. Word of mouth is always the best promotion for a podcast – so if you enjoy this podcast, or a specific story, please share with family and friends.

Reviews and ratings help our podcast to be found by others, so if you can take the time to do that it would be appreciated.  You can also send feedback, questions or comments through to us at

If you haven’t already -- Please do join our Facebook Group called the Flying Doctor Podcast Community and join in the conversation

And if you haven’t already done so – catch up on our extensive back-series as there are some ripper yarns, incredibly brave and strong people, and many-a-story that are so typically Aussie in terms of resilience, innovation in times of crisis, and of course humour.