Clay Bertram raised money for the RFDS in memory of his late Uncle Max

#101 Following in Squid’s sand tracks #oceans to outback

Date published

25 Jul 2024
Clay pictured with his Dad, Michael and his Mum, Simone, in front of an RFDS aircraft

Teenager Clay Bertram and his Dad, Michael (aka Big Bert), are self-proclaimed 'best mates'. They run together, play music together, fish together and even run a family business together. But Clay - who is also affectionately known as Squid - and his Dad are also an incredible fundraising 'team machine'. After combining his passion for fundraising with his entrepreneurial skills for Sand Board building, Squid has already raised over $20,000 for the RFDS in just a few short years. But this young man's passion for community volunteering is very much a family affair! He is inspired every step of the way by his community-focused Mum Simone and his desert-marathon running Dad, along with the rest of the Bertram family clan.

Squid and Big Bert are pictured taking part in the on-line interview with podcast host Lana, for the Flying Doctor podcast

In Episode #101 of the Flying Doctor podcast, we learn that Squid (named for his childhood dislike of squid fishing!) is also well and truly 'leaving his mark' on the business world - as one of Australia's youngest business entrepreneurs. Drawing from three generations of woodworking knowledge from his family's carpentry business, Squid not only makes and sells his Port Lincoln produced Sand Boards all around Australia - but he also uses some of his 'specially made' custom boards for RFDS fundraising. Squid raises money for the RFDS in memory of his much-loved Uncle Max, who was assisted by the RFDS during his life. 

Clay and Michael are pictured here with RFDS Federation Executive Director, Frank Quinlan

Both Squid and his Dad have also drawn on their love of marathon and long distance running, as inspiration for Squid's previous and upcoming 'Oceans to Outback' goals. They are pictured here with RFDS Federation Executive Director, Frank Quinlan, at another wonderful RFDS fundraising event this year - the annual Birdsville Big Red Bash. Anyone is welcome to register for the 2024 Oceans to Outback challenge at Royal Flying Doctor Service : Home (