Fred about 4 weeks before his diagnosis

#89 Tired, toilet, thirsty, thinner - Emma's young son ticked all the boxes for Type 1 diabetes.

Date published

03 May 2024
Fred on the RFDS stretcher about to be loaded on the plane

When it comes to accurately describing outback Australia, the remote Queensland town of Blackhall literally boasts a memorial to the iconic ‘black stump’.  

But while the Turner family has always enjoyed living and working in isolated locations, when (then) seven-year-old Fred violently vomited and then slumped against his mother, Emma, on Anzac day in 2015, they suddenly felt a very long way from help.

Fred Turner on his RFDS emergency flight 2

Emma is an experienced rural midwife, nurse and a highly regarded health educator – but in this honest and insightful Episode #89 of the Flying Doctor podcast, Emma admits that nothing fully prepares you for the moment when your child is diagnosed with a life-long illness like Type 1 diabetes.

Fred Turner taking part in the World's Greatest Shave

After Fred appeared to be taking a long time to recover from the flu and also began wetting the bed at night, Emma soon realised his symptoms were adding up to Type 1 diabetes. 

Fred was a text book example of the four Type 1 Ts. Tired, toilet, thirsty, thinner. 

From a daunting flight on an RFDS plane to a whole new world of testing and medications, this is an episode of the Flying Doctor that every parent and caregiver will want to hear