After being crushed by the wheels of a 4WD, Parker's injuries were extensive

#96 Emma's toddler went under both wheels of the 4WD...and survived!

Date published

20 Jun 2024
This photo of Parker at the beach was snapped just hours before his accident

In January 2023, the Galloway family from Perth were enjoying an idyllic summer holiday, thanks to the cruisy caravan park community and pristine beaches of WA's stunning Esperance region. But just five days into the trip, Emma and Ryan were chatting to some new 'van neighbours', while their sons Archie and Parker played and scooted in the nearby kids park. What happened next, is arguably every parent's worst nightmare.

Parker asked his parents if he could have ‘one more scoot around’ before dinner, before he and his scooter disappeared around a small bend on the caravan park lane. Moments later, Emma recalls hearing a commotion and seeing people running, before Archie came to tell them that his brother had been hit by a 4WD.

Parker's crush injuries were too severe to be treated at Esperance hospital, so the RFDS was called in to take the toddler to Perth,

When Emma and Ryan saw Parker just a few moments later, he was covered by a blanket and was lying between the back tyres of the Landruiser and the camper trailer it was towing. The vehicle had gone over him with both its front and back wheels, while onlookers screamed for the driver, who was unaware that he had hit a child, to stop. 

Luckily for Parker, there happened to be a Pediatric doctor and a nurse and a midwife all staying at the park that day. As these first responders treated Parker at the scene, an ambulance was called from Esperance. But after Parker was rushed to Esperance hospital, Doctors took a full body scan, before quickly confirming that Parker’s crush injuries were too severe and required specialist treatment in Perth. The RFDS was called.

Parker required emergency retrieval from Esperance Hospital to Perth

In Episode #96 of the Flying Doctor podcast, Parker's mum Emma, shares their family's terrifying ordeal...and her toddler's remarkable road to recovery.