
What if there was no help?

Date published

24 Feb 2021

Jed was helping muster sheep on a friend’s property when the unexpected happened. 

“I was coming around some of the sheep,” he remembers, “and this creek bed just seemed to come out of nowhere. I couldn’t brake in time and I flipped over the front bars of my bike.”

Jed fractured his wrist and shattered his ankle. He was helped into the back of a ute for the 2-hour long journey back into town with nothing but a couple of pillows to cushion the agonising impacts of the bumpy road.

Help outback kids like Jed get urgent medical care when accidents happen.

Jed called his mother Tammy on the journey, who in turn called an ambulance. They met halfway and Jed was rushed straight to hospital.

By the time he arrived, Jed’s foot was badly swollen. X-rays soon revealed his ankle was badly shattered and he needed to get to Dubbo for surgery. Tammy said she felt enormous relief when we arrived to take him there.

Soon after arriving in Dubbo, Jed went in for surgery and a plate and pins were put in his ankle to repair his broken bones and support a good recovery.

After surgery, our team was there again to get him home safely and comfortably. He says they were a very welcome sight, as he had been dreading the trip home.

Living in a remote community, Jed’s mum, relies on us to look after her kids when they need healthcare “I love the Flying Doctor. They’re absolute saviours.”