Ocean to outback participants

Aussies go further for Flying Doctor during national fitness challenge

Date published

31 Jan 2023

Last year, the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) introduced its new national fitness challenge, ‘Oceans to Outback’.

We invited participants around Australia to walk, run or cycle during the month of October to raise funds and help the Flying Doctor continue delivering lifesaving care across the country.

People had the option of registering to participate in a variety of distances, including the 42 kilometre (km), 79km or 94km challenge.

More than 5,756 participants across our beautiful country walked, ran and cycled a staggering 423,132 kms to raise $1,373,000 for the Flying Doctor.

Oceans to Outback participant and RFDSSE Regular Giver, Talline Zarzavatjian, wanted to take part in the fitness challenge to continue supporting the Flying Doctor.

Ocean to outback participants

“I found taking part in the challenge to be very rewarding, especially knowing that I was helping to make a difference,” Talline said.

A social media page was created for all participants to share their fitness tips, while supporting and motivating one another during the month-long fundraiser, which Talline found vital.

“It was also wonderful to see how others were progressing via the Facebook Oceans to Outback page and reading stories about the impact the RFDS has on lives in outback communities,” Talline explained.

Ocean to outback participants

RFDSSE General Manager Corporate Affairs and Fundraising, Annabey Whitehead said it was an amazing result, especially considering the fundraiser was our first-ever fitness challenge.

“Participants have blown us away with their incredible efforts and generosity. We are so grateful for their support of the challenge,” Ms Whitehead said.

“These funds will help keep the Flying Doctor flying and will save lives all across Australia.”

While the 2022 fundraiser may have just recently wrapped up, we are already looking forward to this year’s event and cannot wait to hear and share participants milestones.

If you would like to participate in this year’s Oceans to Outback 2023 fundraiser, please register your details at www.oceanstooutback.org.au.