baby merredin

Flying Doctor delivers again

Date published

09 Jul 2021
Shauna with bub

Our incredible Kalgoorlie crew Flight Nurse Shauna, Dr Anoop and pilot Jimmy worked as a team to deliver a healthy baby girl at Merredin Hospital on Monday 5 July. 

After being tasked for a priority patient in labour, our team flew to Merredin hospital from Kalgoorlie for the retrieval, a 330km journey that would've taken 3.5hours by road.  

RFDS Flight Nurse and qualified midwife Shauna assessed mum-to-be and found the labour to have progressed quite fast, leading to the baby being delivered right there and then!

"All credit to our Flight Nurse Shauna who was our team leader and delivered a healthy baby," Dr Anoop said. 

"It wasn't an easy flight with low clouds and our star pilot Jimmy managed to find a gap in the cloud cover to land us there to help out."

To top things off nicely, mum decided to attribute the arrival of her newborn by choosing the name 'Shauna' for her baby's middle name.

Anoop Pem