Pilot disembarking from plane

'Most Reputable' Charity for 2020

Date published

24 Nov 2020

Access to health care is something many take for granted -- unless they live in remote and very remote areas of Australia. The just-released Charity Reptrak 2020 survey confirms that the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) is the ‘most reputable’ national charity in the eyes of the Australian public.

doing a health check on an elderly man

Based on 7 drivers of Governance, Workplace, Innovation, Services, Cost Management, Leadership and Citizenship, the Charity Reptrak survey states the RFDS shares "excellent levels of trust, admiration and respect for the Service, with close to 90% trusting the RFDS, offering verbal support and welcoming the charity into their community".

The RFDS is humbled to work shoulder-to-shoulder with regional, rural and remote communities across Australia to provide emergency, primary health and patient transport services. 

We see this survey result as a validation for all first-responders, medical chest custodians, clinic hosts, volunteers that clear and light runways, rural nurses, Indigenous health services and the many, many others that our dedicated staff work with and rely on daily.

Australians are known for mate-ship – caring for each other – going the extra mile. This is evident in every Australian country community and frankly what keeps these communities functioning, and it is the only reason the RFDS is able to provide the service we do. 

Without the volunteered service, spaces, support and care of country people, the RFDS would not achieve even a fraction of what it does on a daily basis. 

We are honoured to work alongside all of you.

As part of Australia’s larger national, health service and front-line response to the health pandemic, the RFDS has continued to provide vital emergency medical and primary health care services amidst COVID-19 restrictions, lock-downs, hot-spots and challenges, while adding new services of respiratory clinics and COVID testing. 

The pandemic has resulted in a backlog of primary health care services and screening services, which must be caught up – while at the same time staying ever vigilant on COVID-19.   So we are keenly aware there is much more to be done to reduce disparities in health service outcomes for country Australians and we pledge to continue our work to achieve this.

We are heartened by the Charity RepTrak 2020 survey result and thank the Australian public for their ongoing support and trust of the Royal Flying Doctor Service. 

It is this support which allows us to continue to service you.

Transporting an unwell Indigenous child