Members of Barlow family

New $20 note launched in Broken Hill

Date published

11 Oct 2019

From this week people will begin seeing the new $20 as it enters general circulation.

The new banknote is special as it continues to celebrate ingenuity and entrepreneurship, recognising the founder of the world's first aerial medical service (now known as the Royal Flying Doctor Service), Reverend John Flynn and telling the Flying Doctor story.

$20 note

The design of this new note is based around a photo from the late 1940's, on a remote NSW station called The Veldt. This photo, with the Barlow family watching from the ground as the Flying Doctor is flying over, was recreated this last week with the RFDS again flying over The Veldt Station.

Helen Bates (nee Barlow), now in her 80's, was just a girl when the original photo was taken. Helen joined us, along with many members of her family, for the launch of this new $20.

The Assistant Governor of the Reserve Bank, Lyndsey Boulton, came to specially meet Helen and to present the new note to the 50+ locals that gathered at Packsaddle Roadhouse to celebrate The Veldt being represented on the new $20 note and being part of the RFDS story for years to come.

Assistant Governor of the Reserve Bank

Having the RFDS and its founder John Flynn recognised on the $20 note reflects the Aussie spirit of ‘can do.’

The RFDS can reach every part of country Australia, only because so many are willing to reach into their pocket and donate $20 or more to ensure the RFDS can keep flying.