Pilots take a virtual trip around the world to show support

Pilots take a virtual trip around the world to show support

Date published

31 Jan 2023

In November, budding pilots took part in an around the world virtual flight all to raise vital funds for the Flying Doctor. WorldFlight is an annual, virtual fundraiser that was held in 2022 between 6th – 12th November.

Teams from around Australia participated in the event operating their cockpit simulators continually for the seven days visiting 41 airports on seven continents during this time.

Since the fundraiser’s inception in 2000, it has raised in excess of $400,000 for the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS), and in 2022, achieved a total of $23,623.

During this year’s fundraiser, RFDS (South Eastern Section) (RFDSSE) Head of Flight Operations and Chief Pilot Cameron Gibbs, was lucky enough to visit WorldFlight headquarters to support the team as they flew around the globe in their sim.

Organiser Terry Scanlan said participants also come from across the globe and the practices that they use in the virtual flight are modelled on real-world procedures.

“We do everything to ensure it’s as real as it gets and because of the time differences you’ll find people actively involved in the online simulation,” he explained.

“Each year, we try and have different routes of going around the world and visit about 45 different airports while covering the seven continents.”

Pilots take a virtual trip around the world to show support
Pilots take a virtual trip around the world to show support
Pilots take a virtual trip around the world to show support

The fundraiser is held annually for seven days during the first week of November with the virtual flights beginning and ending in Sydney.

If you would like to find out more information on how you can become involved in the 2023 WorldFlight please visit www.worldflight.com.au.