
Readiness to respond

Date published

28 Apr 2021

The Flying Doctor is leading the way for the next generation of high-flying clinicians, collaborating with health and education partners to establish Australia’s first Master’s qualification in Aeromedical Retrieval. 

Launched in March by Charles Darwin University, the Master’s and Graduate Certificate will open up new career pathways for nurses, doctors and logistics professionals based in Australia and abroad.

The curriculum was developed by the RFDS in partnership with the National Critical Care Trauma ResponseCentre (NCCTRC) and Careflight.

RFDS Central Operations Executive General Manager, Medical & Retrieval Services Dr Mardi Steere said the courses would cover subjects including disaster medicine, domestic and international logistics and trauma management.

“Having both a local and global focus helps emergency responders work out how to cross international barriers when needed.

If we’re all speaking the same language, country to country, that can only be a good thing,” Dr Steere said.

“Closer to home, we know our remote and rural communities absolutely rely on aeromedical retrievals when help is needed.

“We’re very proud to have the RFDS involved in shaping the future of emergency medicine through sharing these vital skills with the next generation.”