rfds flight nurse and doctor sitting in aircraft

RFDS Australia's Most Reputable Charity

Date published

13 Jan 2023

RFDS named Australia's Most Reputable Charity

The Royal Flying Doctor Service has once again ranked 1st in the Charity Benchmark 40 by Charity RepTrak – and has done so for 11 of the 12 years that the study has been conducted.

Every year, the Australian Charity Reputation Index (RepTrak®) surveys Australians to measure the overall reputation of Australia’s 40 largest charities. Charities are ranked based on trust, admiration, respect and overall esteem. The RFDS sits in good company with Guide Dogs, Leukaemia Foundation, Fred Hollows and St John Ambulance rounding out the Top 5.

“Everyone, no matter where they live, deserves to have access to health care and emergency, life-saving treatment. This accomplishment is a testament to the entire team at RFDS, our donors, supporters and corporate partners. We never take for granted the trust the community has in our service and will continue to stand by Western Australians as they stand by us. ” said Judith Barker, CEO of The Royal Flying Doctor (Western Operations).

RepTrak® notes that while Australian corporate reputations recorded a COVID spike in the initial stages of the pandemic, they have returned to previous levels. The Charity Benchmark 40 however, now record an average reputation significantly stronger than 3 years ago (86.6 vs 83.1 in 2019), showing the important work of the Australian charity sector over recent years.

Thank you to the entire RFDS team, and those who keep us flying further, making it possible to deliver trusted, high quality healthcare to rural and remote communities.

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