RFDS Gift in Wills

RFDS encourages people to consider leaving a gift in their Will

Date published

07 Sep 2021

Scott McKay is the great grandson of Hugh McKay, who famously left a bequest enabling RFDS founder, Reverend John Flynn, to lease the Service’s first aircraft from the forerunner of Qantas in 1928.

Now Scott is carrying on his great grandfather’s legacy by encouraging people to consider leaving a gift in their Will for the Flying Doctor.

His appeal coincides with Include a Charity Week (September 6-12), which aims to make gifts in Wills the norm.

“My family is extremely proud of my great-grandfather's legacy to the Flying Doctor. His gift and his Will were instrumental in creating a mantle of safety for all Australians,” Mr McKay said.

Research by the Fundraising Institute of Australia shows at least a third of Australians are considering leaving a gift in their Will but have not yet taken the necessary steps to ensure this happens.

Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section) Chief Executive Officer Meredith Staib said a gift in Will, whatever the size, could have a lasting impact.

“Throughout the years we’ve been incredibly fortunate to have people leave a bequest to the RFDS in their will. There are countless possibilities a bequest can realise for an organisation such as ours,” she said.

“It could open opportunities such as scholarships and training for current and future staff or help us purchase a huge array of medical equipment and consumables to ensure we continue John Flynn’s legacy for another 93 years.

“Every year we see firsthand how bequests impact the lives of people living in regional, rural and remote Queensland, and I encourage anyone who is considering leaving a gift in Will to speak with their family and their solicitor.”

Mr Mackay said even though his great grandfather was considered a visionary, the way the Flying Doctor had expanded its service delivery and reach across Queensland would be more than he could ever have imagined.

“I think he would be blown away by what the Flying Doctor has become,” he said.

“To see what the organisation has grown into after such humble beginnings is testament to what a gift such as his can help achieve. A gift in your Will to the Royal Flying Doctor Service will ensure that this iconic Australian service is here for future generations.”

For more information on leaving a gift in Will to support the Flying Doctor in Queensland, phone (07) 3852 7586 or email hstott@rfdsqld.com.au.