broome vaxathon

RFDS proud to support Broome vaxathon

Date published

10 Sep 2021

The Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) WA together with our key health partners on the ground in Broome helped to facilitate a special COVID-19 ‘Vaxathon’ over two days this week.

Broome vaxathon

With all vaccines and consumables provided by the RFDS, a total of 1,199 doses were administered by our partners including Broome Regional Aboriginal Medical Service, WA Country Health Service, Kimberley Pharmacy Services Broome and Nirrumbuk EH&S.

We also thank local Goolarri Radio for providing the venue and encouraging people to attend and receive their vaccinations, and the Men’s Outreach Service Kimberley for the sausage sizzle.

RFDS WA CEO Rebecca Tomkinson said the success of the event highlights what can be achieved when local health services work together as a team to support community.

Thank you to the RFDS WA immunisation team who helped make his happen, particularly Kate Jones, Liz Housiax, Charlie Mutch and Elkje Perry.