The official opening of the new PTF

RFDS Toowoomba Patient Transfer Facility officially opened

Date published

07 May 2021

A new Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section) (RFDS) patient transfer facility was officially opened at Toowoomba City Aerodrome in May. The project, a labour of love for the Rotary Club of Toowoomba, was supported by the Toowoomba Regional Council and Federal Government.

Official opening of the new Toowoomba PTF

In opening the patient transfer facility, RFDS (Queensland Section) Chair Russell Postle said 881 patients were flown to and from Toowoomba City Aerodrome in 2020.

“This new facility will ensure patients an even greater level of care, with protection from the heat and rain, as well as the cool temperatures for which the region is known,” he said.

“The facility’s opening is the culmination of three years of hard work and a fine example of perseverance and partnership.

“The campaign for a patient transfer facility was spearheaded by the Rotary Club of Toowoomba, who sought the building space from Council and applied for Stronger Communities Programme funding from the Federal Government, to aid Rotary’s financial contribution.

“The club also secured in-kind support and generous donations from local businesses to realise the facility in which I had the pleasure of declaring open.”

The new facility, which will be available 24 hours a day for Flying Doctor and Queensland Ambulance Service crews, contains amenities and stores RFDS equipment such as wheelchairs and stretchers.

“Previously, if an aircraft didn’t arrive at the aerodrome at the same time as the ambulance, patients may have had to wait in the back of the craft or vehicle, for the other to arrive. Our crews have sometimes had to seek shade under the wing of an aircraft while awaiting the patient’s arrival,” Mr Postle said.

“Toowoomba’s very own patient transfer facility will ensure greater comfort for patients who are transferred through the aerodrome.

“We’re extremely grateful to the Rotary Club of Toowoomba for their efforts, and to the Toowoomba Regional Council and Federal Government for their continued support of the Flying Doctor.”

Infrastructure Committee portfolio lead Cr Melissa Taylor said Council was pleased to lease an area of the terminal building to support this facility.

The new PTF

“The service provided by the RFDS is invaluable to our community which is why Council had no hesitation supporting this worthwhile cause. With the new facility the RFDS will be able to continue providing a crucial service for our residents.”

Rotary Club of Toowoomba President David Hamilton said: “This facility has been a strongly supported project of our Rotary Club. Over the three years of the project, we had a lot of in-kind contribution from our club members and we thank the community-minded organisations who also generously contributed to the project.

“These included Reid Consulting Engineers (engineering plans), Newlands (project builders), O'Brien Electrical (all electrical work), Bunnings North (the kitchen), Harvey Norman (kitchen appliances), Darling Downs Renovations (carpentry work), Gary Hynds (door installation), BSB Plumbing (kitchen plumbing and draining), Dale Duke Concreting (concreting) and Ranbuild (discounted carport).”