Sending Samuel to specialist care

Date published

05 Aug 2019

Teenager Samuel Burr was riding his motorbike on the sand dunes of a remote beach in northern Tasmania when he accidentally sped off a sandy cliff and crashed heavily many metres below.

Samuel being stabilised on the beach

Samuel’s body had snapped in seven places. It was a very serious situation – something that became even clearer after a helicopter took Samuel to Launceston Hospital.

Scans showed a crushed pelvis, internal bleeding and a severed tongue. There was no doubt that Samuel needed specialist care at a Melbourne hospital.

Samuel being stabilised

That’s when Flying Doctor pilot Captain Steve Wood sprang into action. He readied a plane at Launceston Airport to transfer Samuel to Melbourne for urgent help and in no time at all, Samuel was being transported to safety.

Together we can make a difference
Samuel in tractor

Accidents like this happen nearly every day in remote parts of Australia, but thanks to generous donations from our community of supporters, the Flying Doctor can keep providing urgent care to more Australians like Samuel – and perhaps, one day, someone close to you.

“When I think back now, it’s crazy that I could fly all the way from Tasmania to Victoria to receive specialist care – simply because people everywhere donate to the Royal Flying Doctor Service,” Samuel says gratefully.

The Flying Doctor can only continue to provide 24/7 emergency care, including life-saving flights like this, with your help. Please consider making a donation today to keep the Flying Doctor in the air!