Bush treadlers

Silver City’s Bush Treadlers take on their most extreme challenge yet to raise funds for the Flying

Date published

15 Jul 2019

Since 1996, a team of avid cyclists from Broken Hill headed up by June Files OAM, have explored some of the roughest roads and spectacular landscapes of the Australian outback on an annual 2-week bicycle ride undertaken to raise funds for the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS).

This year, the Treadlers are taking on what may be their biggest challenge yet: the roads of the back o’Bourke. For 13 days, the cyclists will travel the rugged roads of Tilpa, Wanaaring, Hungerford, Fords Bridge, Bourke and Louth, all in aid of the Flying Doctor.

The journey, dubbed the ‘Back O’Bourke Camel Dare Ride’, will begin on Sunday the 21st of July and conclude on the 2nd of August, with the ride starting and finishing at Kallara Station near Tilpa.

The Treadlers are one of the major fundraising groups supporting the Flying Doctor, having raised in excess of half a million dollars for the RFDS over the 22 years of the event’s operation.

Since the group’s inception, the Treadlers have traversed many of the nation’s less travelled roads, taking on the back roads of Wilcannia, Menindee, Milparinka, White Cliffs and even Alice Springs and Darwin as part of their fundraising efforts.

CEO of the Royal Flying Doctor Service South Eastern Section, Greg Sam, congratulated June on her incredible dedication.

“This ride is no small feat. June and the Treadlers will cover some seriously challenging terrain, but that has never stopped them,” said Mr Sam.

“We are enormously grateful for the contribution June and her crew make to the Flying Doctor.”

Ms Files OAM extended her thanks to her team and supporters, saying “I’m excited for all the cyclists and our great back-up crew to appreciate this area of our Big Back Yard. Thank you to every one of the Station people having us to visit while raising money for the Royal Flying Doctor Service.”


MEDIA: Anna Reed 0424670767