We have a working theory that all West Australians have a Flying Doctor story to tell, and fair dinkum, Robbie Laird nee Hocking’s story of Reverend John Flynn being her neighbour and babysitter is quite hard to beat.
Over the years, our Jandakot base has been privileged to receive visitors from all walks of life who are keen on learning about our history and how we operate. We have a working theory that all West Australians have a Flying Doctor story to tell, and fair dinkum, Robbie Laird nee Hocking’s story of Reverend John Flynn being her neighbour and babysitter is quite hard to beat.
Back in the ‘40s, Robbie’s family lived on 8 Irrara Street in Croyden, Sydney and next door at No.6, lived John Flynn and his wife Jean who were dear friends of her parents. Robbie remembers Flynn would work away for months at a time but when he was home, he would from time to time, offer to babysit her and her two siblings so her parents could have a night out at the “pictures”. “He’d come around and say that it was time the Hocking’s had a night out and would offer to look after us,” she said.
“Those days we didn’t have television and Flynn was a bit of a raconteur so he would tell us plenty of stories from his adventures.
“My parents would get back at about 11 at night and Flynn loved my father’s company. He’d be busy telling stories and my father’s eyes would go up and down in desperation to go to bed. “It’s funny you know, because as little children, we didn’t realise how important our babysitters were.”
Robbie remembers being 11-years-old when Flynn passed away in 1951.