Recently the RFDS have had the privilege of signing two Memorandum of Understandings with the South West Hospital and Health Service and Southern Queensland Rural Health.
Not only will these agreements help to strengthen our partnerships with our key healthcare stakeholders, it demonstrates how the Flying Doctor is committed to providing the best possible care in rural and remote communities across Queensland.

Southern Queensland Rural Health
Last month Southern Queensland Rural Health (SQRH) joined the Flying Doctor (Queensland Section) in announcing the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding.
The formalisation of this relationship will provide increased opportunities for nursing, midwifery and allied health students to learn more about rural practice in some of the most remote parts of Queensland.
Complementing our strong desire to steer professionals to pursue a career in rural and remote medicine, this MOU provides the perfect opportunity to continue to facilitate this key outcome.
Along with a structured and organised approach towards educating emerging rural health professionals, the RFDS will also be sharing resources so the rural health dollar has maximum effect.
PICTURED (L-R): RFDS Head of Clinical Governance Trent Dean, RFDS Manager of Clinical and Base Operations (Charleville) Jo Mahony and SQRH Director Associate Professor Geoff Argus met in Toowoomba for the signing.

South West Hospital and Health Service
On Monday 11 March, the Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section) was pleased to officially formalise a Memorandum of Understanding with the South West Hospital and Health Service.
The Memorandum of Understanding aims to build a strategic partnership framework in the following priority areas:
- Joint service and activity planning
- Clinical workforce innovation and support
- Digital health enablement
- Shared health intelligence
- Joint strategy development
- Improved efficiencies
- RFDS shared use of SWHHS Facilities
South West Hospital and Health Service Chief Executive Officer, Linda Patat, spoke highly of formalising the partnership, “the MoU will serve as key references providing context to the relationship and the centrality of general practice in supporting high performing comprehensive primary healthcare. I’m looking forward to working together with RFDS on these key initiatives and further developing our shared commitment to better health in our region.”
RFDS (Queensland Section) CEO Meredith Staib stated, “The agreement that has been put into place will allow our organisations to better contribute towards improved coordination and strategic planning. This will help us to ensure that RFDS is meeting expectations towards providing the best possible health service delivery in the South West Queensland region.
“I am very pleased to see this MoU in place as it paves the way for great synergy between our two organisations.”
Formalising a relationship with the Flying Doctor through a Memorandum of Understanding not only adds value for ongoing shared planning towards improving healthcare outcomes in rural and remote communities, it also solidifies the Flying Doctors commitment towards providing the best possible care to Queenslanders across the state.
PICTURED (L-R): Meredith Staib, CEO RFDS (Queensland Section) and Linda Patat CEO South West Hospital and Health