Mental Health Support
Access to mental health and alcohol and other drug services, particularly early intervention and prevention services, can be difficult in rural and remote areas where people are isolated and have to travel long distances.
We provide direct clinical services to people living in remote communities to improve their overall health and wellbeing. Our Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs team operate in multiple locations, providing a range of services from clinical treatment to educational workshops and programs to enhance wellbeing.
In addition to being involved in face-to-face primary healthcare clinics and providing psychological support by phone and email, the team promotes mental health and wellbeing initiatives to address community need. This includes running workshops on common issues and conducting pit-stop health checks to raise awareness of mental health issues and support options.
If you are having suicidal thoughts, you need to stay safe, send for help and have someone remain with you (if able, or on the phone) until further help arrives.
Are you or someone near you in immediate danger?
Call emergency services on 000; or Go to a hospital emergency department.
If you usually receive services from the Royal Flying Doctor Service the emergency medical phone number is: 08 8088 1188. Call the on-call Doctor.
To talk to someone, call:
Lifeline 13 11 14
For rural areas:
Lifeline 13 11 14
NSW rural 24 hour mental health crisis line 1800 011 511.
Alcohol and other Drugs (AoD) services
In January 2017, we were successful in a joint tender with Lyndon Community to roll out a new alcohol and other drugs service to communities in western and far west NSW. Funded by the Western NSW Department of Health’s Primary Health Network for an initial 18 months, the program is now up and running with outreach services established in Cobar, Dubbo and Broken Hill.
Each service provides a full range of counselling, individual and family support, interventions and referral services to clients living within a two-hour drive of each hub. We are responsible for managing the day-to-day service delivery. Lyndon already offers specialist outreach, detox and rehabilitation programs throughout NSW and will provide program oversight, training and clinical supervision.
We have appointed an alcohol and other drugs clinician and community engagement worker to deliver the outreach services from each location. Lyndon will also employ a senior clinician and an addiction specialist to join the program.