
Primary Health

RFDS increases primary health clinics grow in north-west of NSW to meet demand

26 Jun 2024

The RFDS Primary Health team providing care in north-west NSW is growing to meet demand and introducing new nurse-led clinics to provide additional care.

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Roo rescue

Rescue from rollover after roo reaction

20 Mar 2018

Nicholas Butler and a couple of backpacker friends had just finished working on a farm in Outback NSW. They were in a ute heading to Cobar to catch a train to Sydney.

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Bequestor picture

Former nurse will keep giving through her will

16 Feb 2018

Vivienne Windsor, a former nurse, knows the importance of leaving a gift in her Will. Do you? Find out more here. 

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Men's health

Supporting men's mental health

16 Feb 2018

“Men are two to three times more likely than women to have an addiction issue but far less likely to seek help,” says our senior mental health nurse, Vanessa Latham. “In the last quarter, less than a third of our mental health clients were men.”

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Dental team

Filling the gap in dental care

16 Feb 2018

In just 3 months, our dental team has treated over 790 patients at 51 rural and remote clinics. Find out how dental health can impact your overall health.

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Leroy Henderson

Limb lost, life saved

14 Feb 2018

Leroy nearly lost his life, but it had started as just an ordinary day at work. He was making a delivery to nearby gymkhana grounds, behind the wheel of a buggy with two workmates. This is Leroy’s story:

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