Regular giver

Committed to a life-giving gift

Date published

04 Aug 2020
Regular Giver

“Building a bridge between the city and regional areas is vital. Robyn and I have found that supporting the Flying Doctor through regular giving is one way to do that.”

Garry and his wife Robyn live in Sydney and are long-term regular givers to the Royal Flying Doctor Service. Garry and Robyn have two adult children who they enjoy spending time with, as well as taking care of their elderly parents. 

Garry has extensive experience across the business, not-for-profit, and education sectors. “I understand the importance of community support when it comes to keeping the Flying Doctor up in the air. Having been involved in the charitable sector for many years, we understand the need for donations to continue the work of this wonderful service,” Garry said. 

Garry and his wife don’t have any personal experience with the Flying Doctor but realise how important the service is for those living in rural and remote Australia. “The Royal Flying Doctor Service is one of the community icons in our country and it is vital that it is maintained and continues to serve regional areas of Australia with the best delivery of health care and emergency services,” Garry said. 

Over the past few months, the effects of COVID-19 and life in lockdown have been challenging at times, particularly on business. But Garry and Robyn feel incredibly fortunate that they have their health. The couple is keen on the outdoors and enjoy being active. Despite lockdown, Garry has kept up his running and cycling, important aspects of his wellbeing. Together Garry and Robyn have done their best to keep up a constant schedule to keep healthy and at the same time try and help those who need assistance. 

“Today the world is a different place after COVID-19, and our world will continue to change. Many aspects of society have been exposed and one that has truly become clear to us is that those who needed support and services before this pandemic, need it even more than before.” “Organisations such as the Flying Doctor cannot doit on their own, they need community and corporate support, that is why we have maintained our investment in the Flying Doctor because of the people of rural Australia need our support.”