RFDSSE Doctor Testimonials

Doctor Testimonials

Date published

31 Mar 2023

Our dedicated and passionate Emergency Retrieval team share what it is like working for the RFDS South Eastern Section.

Dr Shannon Nott

We are the lifeblood for some of these communities and being able to help people get access to the care they need is one of the most rewarding parts of this job.

- Medical Officer, Dr Shannon Nott

My family and I have been really supported in our move to Australia. For me, a massive part of the organisation has been how friendly and supportive everyone is outside of the clinical work.

Retrieval Medical Officer, Dr Jack Lewis
Dr Khyarne Biles

Working for the Royal Flying Doctor has been one of the most exciting and rewarding jobs in my career.
It is a job like no other.

Medical Officer, Dr Khyarne Biles

The first month was intense, we were going through studying, research, simulations and our induction, but it’s been great because you learn so much about different areas of medicine that I had never previously considered, such as aviation medicine and physiology.

Retrieval Medical Officer, Dr Emezie Odigboh
Dr Angus Perks

The training I’ve received with the Flying Doctor is amazing, it’s a different style and there’s a lot to know but I’m enjoying it.

- Retrieval Medical Officer, Dr Angus Perks