Neil Taylor is a Line Pilot for the RFDS and is based in Broken Hill.
Before working at the RFDS, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
“I’ve had a few interesting and unusual jobs. My first job as a pilot was dropping skydivers.”
What is your role?
“Line Pilot at Broken Hill. I fly both the retrieval and clinic aircraft.”
What do you find the most challenging working at the RFDS?
“There are lots of challenges and that’s what makes it one of the best flying jobs around. Night flying in the outback can be very dark on a moonless night and there are technical challenges like short dirt runways.”
What do you like most about working at the RFDS?
“The team! We have a great bunch of people at Broken Hill.”
What is your proudest moment at the RFDS?
“There have been lots of proud moments so far, I did a road landing at night into Shannon’s Creek a bit over a year ago – that was pretty cool. I stopped in at the local store one time when out on a remote clinic and the shopkeeper was really happy to have been able to get to the dentist, I’ve never met someone so enthusiastic about having been to the dentist. I’m always proud of the medical crew, particularly after the tough retrieval jobs.”
What have you gained from working at the RFDS?
“My confidence with people has grown.”
If you could say anything to those who donate to the RFDS what would you say?
“Thank you! We will put that funding to good use!”