Melissa's thank you to the RFDS

Melissa's Thank You: 'You gave me my first ever flight'

Date published

25 Feb 2025

The Flying Doctor changes lives every day, but we don't always hear how we do it. Melissa, a patient from Broken Hill, explains why her flight with the RFDS was very special...

Melissa has spent countless evenings sitting on her porch, gazing at the stars, and listening to the gentle hum of RFDS planes taking off from the nearby Broken Hill base. When she broke her arm, Melissa found herself in one of the very same airplanes she’d spent so long hearing in her backyard. This wasn’t just any flight – this was Melissa’s first flight ever.   

RFDS Senior Base Pilot Dave Rogers, Senior Flight Nurse Robin Franklin and Flight Nurse Kathryn Hines flew Melissa to and from Adelaide Hospital for treatment.

Reflecting on her care, Melissa said: 

“I was terrified to be in the air. But Dave, Robin and Kathryn were so warm, caring, and kind that I trusted them completely. I had so much adrenaline from flying for the first time that I’d touched down again before I knew it.

We even had a laugh together. The power of a smile can’t be understated. It really transforms what can be a pretty scary experience into a much more enjoyable one!

I want to give a very special thank you to everyone who was involved in my care. My broken arm was given the exact same care and attention as if I were having a heart attack. I have so much admiration for them. They are just amazing."

Broken Hill natural landscape

Melissa moved to Broken Hill three years ago, inspired by the beautiful scenery portrayed in the fictional RFDS TV show. She immediately fell in love with the community.  

“The people are amazing, there’s stunning nature all around you, and so much to do. My top recommendation is to go to the RFDS’ Broken Hill Outback Heritage Experience. Not many people realise the strength and longevity of the RFDS’ and Broken Hill’s relationship until they visit. Now that I’ve experienced the RFDS’ care firsthand, I have a whole new appreciation for it.” 

 Melissa’s accident happened about a month ago, and she is recovering well. When her arm is feeling better, she is looking forward to visiting our upgraded Broken Hill Outback Heritage Experience.