Ruth Sandow

Message from the President RFDS South Eastern

Date published

13 Oct 2020
Ruth Sandow

Welcome to the final Flyer of 2020. For so many people this has been a very difficult year. Many of our bush people continue to be affected by the drought; a number of our staff were involved in providing help during the bushfires, and of course, we have all been impacted by COVID-19.

Despite all these adverse conditions, you have continued to support us, enabling us to continue to provide better healthcare services in our remote communities and on station properties. I know that without caring people like you, the choice of services may be limited and I am both humbled by your generosity and grateful for what it provides. On behalf of all of us who live in the bush, I’d like to say thank you.

I hope that you will enjoy the stories in this final issue of the Flyer for 2020. You will read about the services that you support through your generosity and the very professional and caring staff who deliver them to the people who need them most. I also want to wish you all the best for the Christmas Season. For many, it will be a little different, and no doubt a lot tougher than other years, but I’m sure you will share with me the hope that 2021 will be a year of recovery for us all.

Ruth Sandow

President, Royal Flying Doctor Service (South Eastern Section)
