The big-hearted and visionary supporters that choose to leave a gift in their Will to the Royal Flying Doctor Service (South Eastern Section) are helping ensure that we will be able to continue providing essential healthcare to rural, regional and remote Aussie communities for generations to come.
Even as a young child, Dr Sandra L J Johnson wanted to become a doctor.
“I am fascinated with the functioning of the human body. It is such a miraculous design. Once I qualified as a doctor, it felt like an enormous privilege to help others when they were vulnerable or injured. I still feel this way about my work.”
Dr Johnson is a developmental paediatrician and Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Sydney Medical School in the Children’s Hospital at Westmead Clinical School.
Soon after arriving in Australia from Cape Town, South Africa, Sandra learned about our work. Having worked in a remote Mission Hospital in Lesotho earlier in her career with her late brother Dr Clarence Johnson, she was instantly drawn to the work the Flying Doctor does for outback communities. “Many people in the outback are farming andIndigenous communities. Farmers provide the food that we depend on. We need to look after them and their families.”
Sandra is passionate about her work and believes that we should provide the best possible access to medical and healthcare to everyone, no matter where they live. She has chosen to leave a gift in her Will to the Royal Flying Doctor Service (South Eastern Section).

“I believe that this allows me to leave a legacy to support a service that I believe in and which relates directly to my chosen and beloved career, Medicine. I believe in a fair society. One’s location or position in life should not be the factor that determines whether one receives good healthcare. Every human being has the right to be cared for and to be given treatment when they are sick or injured.”
Dr Sandra L J Johnson