Summer tips

Top tips for staying safe over Summer

Date published

16 Dec 2019

The Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) has encouraged people in regional and remote NSW to stay safe and be aware of any risks the hot summer season can bring.

General Manager of Health Services, Jenny Beach, said that people need to be extra vigilant to look after both their mental and physical health over the Christmas period.

“The summer season can present a whole range of risks to people’s health and wellbeing, and while we are always here to help in emergencies, we want to encourage people to stay as healthy and safe as possible to avoid emergencies occurring,” said Ms Beach.

“While Christmas can be a wonderful time, it’s also a time of year where people are exposed to heat, dehydration, travelling in harsh conditions, and at times an increase in emotionally charged situations.”

The RFDS’s top tips for thriving over the summer include:

Skin / sun safety
- Apply sunscreen with “broad-spectrum” UV protection of 30+ or higher. Don’t be caught out - keep sunscreen handy in your bag, in your car, in the office, etc. Don’t forget to reapply every 2-3 hours.
- Wear a hat that will protect not just your head, but also ears, face and neck and if possible shoulders. Don’t forget your sunglasses to protect your eyes.

- Remember to rest regularly, particularly in the hazardous conditions we have been experiencing of late.
- Manage fatigue and avoid driving at night when possible.
- Be aware of wildlife on the road at dusk and dawn – remember to brake but don’t swerve, as this may cause collision with other cars.

Healthy eating and hydration
- Drink 2 litres of water per day.
- Eat healthy, balanced meals. Well-balanced meals will help you feel full and energised, which is essential if you want to resist overindulging in unhealthy food.

- If you choose to drink, alternate alcoholic beverages with non-alcoholic choices like mineral water.
- Have alcohol free days every week.
- Never drink and drive, look after your friends who have been drinking, and ensure a designated driver is planned when celebrating.

Looking after your mental health
- Develop relationships and invest time in your friendships with supportive people. Take the time out to text them, phone them, and meet with them.
- Join community groups that connect you with your interests and people who share your passions.
- Enjoy giving to others, whether it’s a bag of clothes to the op shop or a box of chocolates!

The RFDS South Eastern Section wishes the communities of regional, rural and remote Australia a wonderful, safe Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Media Contact: Anna Reed 0436 622 801