Broken Hill Wellbeing Place Renovations Update

An update on our Broken Hill Wellbeing Place Renovations

Date published

25 Mar 2025

The Wellbeing Place in Broken Hill will soon undergo renovations to create a more comfortable and supportive environment for our clients, staff and the community.

The upcoming renovation will deliver a new floorplan for the space, including additional consult rooms and improvements to client and visitor comfort.

Broken Hill Wellbeing Place

What to expect during the renovation

While we work to improve our facilities, we're committed to maintaining continuous care with minimal disruption through the below schedule:

From 2 – 6 April 2025
: The Wellbeing Place will be open for booked appointments only.

From April 7, 2025: We'll temporarily relocate to our group space next door at 345 Blende Street while the renovations are underway. 

We will still have our friendly staff available to help and support you, just at a slightly different location.

Thank you to our generous donors

This important project has been made possible through donor funding. We extend our sincere gratitude to all the generous donors supporting this redevelopment for our community, including the Broken Hill Women's Auxiliary.

Looking ahead

These enhancements will allow us to better serve the wellbeing needs of the community for years to come. We're very excited about providing an update and welcoming our clients and visitors back to our improved facilities once renovations are complete.

For any questions about appointments or services during the renovation period, please contact reception on 0439 515 247.