Our newest mental health program, ‘We’ve Got Your Back’, provides genuine face-to-face support for rural people from the land in Far West NSW.
In partnership with Lifeline Broken Hill Country to Coast, we are training a number of rural ‘Champions’ – local graziers who themselves have been through hard times – to engage in genuine conversations about mental health, provide advocacy for people impacted by drought and illness, and link others in their community to appropriate services.
Our Champions on board; Richard Wilson, Brendan Cullen, Jane Martin and Belinda Bennett.

Champion, Richard Wilson, said it was "humbling" to be asked to be a part of the initiative.
"The more it was explained to me the more I realised we could be a link in chain of support that could help people get through difficult times," he said.
"The process and skills we're learning is all about helping you. We've been through tough times and we know how great it is to be out the other side. We want to get that message across and we're here to help, we've got your back."
Thanks to supporters like you, we can continue to work on new mental health programs that reach people affected by drought, disease, fires, and the pressures of isolation.
For more information please contact RFDS Outreach Farmgate Counsellor, Peter Crossing via 0436 945 429 or peter.crossing@rfdsse.org.au
Our Champions can be contacted on:
Richard Wilson
0438 093 682
Jane Martin
0431 469 984
Brendan Cullen
0437 188 980
Belinda Bennett
0429 660 123