
Women’s Health Week is a good reminder for women to put themselves first

Date published

13 Oct 2020
Jamie Corbett

Women’s Health Week, run by the Jean Hailes Foundation, took place in September and is an important annual reminder for females to check in on their health. 

Sometimes women can put their own health and wellbeing last when it should be a priority each and every day. Two of our wonderful staff share their tips to help stay fit and well, even during these challenging times.

Flight Nurse Jamie Corbett offered some important advice:

“You can’t pour from an empty cup. All too often women are running around after others, but it is so important for
them to remember to take time out, have some rest and focus on self-care, as you’ll only be able to be your best self if you look after your own health,” Jamie says.

Jo Beven

Breast Care Nurse Jo Beven, who works with the Flying Doctor through the support of the McGrath Foundation: 

“Regular breast screens are the best way to find breast cancer early before any symptoms are noticed and when treatment is likely to be most successful,” Jo says.

“Now is a good time to remind yourselves about good self-care, especially regarding breast awareness. The motto of the McGrath Foundation is “if you grow them, know them”.
