Thank you for your interest in our regular giving. You can make a monthly donation to the Royal Flying Doctor Service (South Eastern Section ) via credit card or direct debit.
This document outlines our commitment to you in relation to regular credit card or direct debit donations, and also sets out your rights and responsibilities to us.
Initial terms of the arrangement
If you wish to enter into a direct debit arrangement with the Royal Flying Doctor Service (South Eastern Section), please sign and return the form at the link below to us. The direct debit arrangement will then commence, periodically debiting your nominated account for the agreed amount of your annual donation.
Drawing arrangements
Drawings will be debited within 25 days of sign up and then every four weeks on a Thursday or as otherwise agreed. Drawings due on a non-business day will be debited to your account on the next business day. We will give you at least 14 days notice when changes to the initial terms of the arrangement are made. This advice will state any changes to the initial terms. In the event of a direct debit being dishonoured, we will contact you.
Changes to the arrangement
If you wish to make changed to the drawing arrangements - including deferring a drawing, altering the schedule, stopping an individual debit, or suspending or cancelling the direct debit request - please contact us at least five working days prior to the next scheduled drawing date. For security reasons, a written request may be required to authorise changes.
Please direct all enquiries to the Royal Flying Doctor Service by phoning (02) 9941 8888 or emailing All communication addressed to us should include your donor reference number which is printed on the letters and receipts we send you.
All personal and financial information supplied to us will remain confidential, with the exception of that information provided to our financial institution to initiate the drawing to your nominated account.
If you believe a drawing has been initiated incorrectly, please contact the RFDS on (02) 9941 8888. If we cannot substantiate the reason for the drawing, you will receive a refund for the disputed amount.