Corporate Support
As a charity, we rely heavily on the generosity of companies to continue our vital emergency medical and primary healthcare work in remote and rural Australia. Australian and multinational companies are quickly realising that being a good corporate citizen is not only the right thing to do but is also good for business. Companies can support the Flying Doctor in a range of ways including corporate partnership, sponsorship, volunteering, advice, pro bono services, workplace giving, donations and much more.

We are honoured to have a number of Corporate Partners that provide financial and corporate support to help keep the Flying Doctor flying. Details of our partnerships are covered on our partners pages at national and state level.

Workplace giving
Many companies set up Workplace Giving programs to encourage employees to give financial support to the Flying Doctor, with the company then matching every dollar contributed. These programs help employees and employers make a positive difference to those in need.

Sponsoring a fundraising event, an RFDS service, aircraft or specialist health service facility are just some of the great ways businesses can support the Flying Doctor. Contact us to get involved or find out more information.
Other ways your organisation can help
- introduce a Workplace Giving program
- establish a staff volunteering program
- promote the RFDS to your clients
- provide your goods or services free of charge
- fund a needed piece of medical or aircraft equipment
- contribute to an existing program that needs funding
- help us expand our current services by funding a new initiative
- become a Founding Friend of the RFDS (from $100,000)
- buy us a new aircraft
To find out more about how your organisation can help the RFDS, please phone Philanthropy Manager Dee Vodden on 02 9941 8893 or email
See who is already partnering with us.