Safety and Quality
The Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section) is accredited with the Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL) for our Primary Health Care Services and the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards for our aeromedical services.
National accreditation is independent recognition that a healthcare organisation meets the expected safety and quality requirements. Accreditation assures the public that the healthcare organisation provides consistent, high-level care. Accreditation also affirms the healthcare organisation's commitment to best practice, quality, systems and processes and continual improvement

The RFDS demonstrates its commitment to patient safety and quality improvement through reporting on a range of safety and quality indicators.
Preventing and Controlling Infections Standard

The purpose of this Standard is to reduce the risk to patients, consumers and members of the workforce of:
- Acquiring preventable infections;
- Effectively manage infections if they occur;
- Prevent and contain antimicrobial resistance;
- Promote appropriate prescribing and use of antimicrobials as part of antimicrobial stewardship;
- Promote appropriate and sustainable use of infection prevention and control resources.
Our performance:
Compliance with hand hygiene training = 98%
Compliance with aseptic technique training = 100%
Compliance with infection control training = 100%

Number of aeromedical patient transfers with infectious precautions in place FY 2021/2022
Contact precautions = 408
Airborne precautions = 138
Droplet precautions = 116
Grand Total = 662
Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights