RFDS Flight Nurse delivers his own baby, Maggie.

RFDS Flight Nurse delivers own baby

Date published

16 Aug 2021

When Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section) (RFDS) Flight Nurse Hayden Wilson completed his midwifery studies in July 2019, little did he know he’d be putting those skills to use two years later to deliver his own child!

RFDS (Queensland Section) flight nurses Hayden and Tara with their daughters

Yet that was the scenario he was faced with when his wife Tara, who is also an RFDS Rockhampton Flight Nurse, went into labour at their new home recently!

Tara’s contractions began gradually over the course of Tuesday 27 July but had slowed by the evening.

The couple went to bed on Tuesday evening, comfortable in the knowledge that Tara was only in the early stages of labour.

However, Tara’s contractions intensified around 4:30am Wednesday, and not before too long, it was too late to make the drive to hospital.

A triple zero call was made, but before paramedics could arrive, baby Maggie made her appearance at 5:00am, ably assisted by dad, who passed the bub up to Tara.

Fortunately, newborn and Mum were both well considering the unique location of the birth!

Maggie’s big sister, Poppy, awoke in time to give Tara and her new little sister a quick cuddle before they were taken to hospital.

Hayden, who said both Tara and Maggie had returned home by lunchtime the following day, reflected on the experience.

RFDS (Queensland Section) Flight Nurse Hayden Wilson with his newborn daughter

“I had never thought I would become a midwife. But flight nursing was always my dream job and (midwifery) was a requirement, so it became a natural career progression,” he said.

“Tara and I were lucky enough to secure our dream jobs and study midwifery together which made it a lot less daunting, I guess.

“It’s an amazing skill to have and I definitely don’t regret doing it. It has made me a better nurse and support partner for Tara, that’s for sure.”

Tara said her experience and knowledge also provided comfort throughout the event.

“Being a registered nurse and midwife, I am very aware of the complications that can arise for both Mum and baby during and after labour delivery, but surprisingly I felt completely calm and at ease,” she said.

“I suppose things escalated so rapidly I didn’t have much time to think about it! But I also knew we were in very capable hands with my husband there, and thankfully everything went seamlessly!

“I think it’s extra special that he delivered Maggie. It’s definitely something we won’t ever forget.”

Hayden and Tara shared their experience of baby Maggie's unexpectedly quick arrival on Sunrise.

RFDS Flight Nurses Hayden and Tara Wilson on Sunrise