Naomi Hobson with RFDS Staff

RFDS strengthens connections with Cape York communities

Date published

13 Oct 2021

Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section) (RFDS) and Queensland Mental Health Commission has launched Faces of the Cape, a program which invites Cape York communities to receive professional photographs within their Community.

Indigenous Photographer Naomi Hobson, was selected to capture the images and stories of Communities serviced by the Flying Doctor’s Far North Mental Health and Wellbeing Service including Lockhart River, Northern Peninsula Area, Kowanyama, Pormpuraaw, Mapoon, Napranum, Laura and Wujal Wujal.


"A family can only develop with a loving woman at its centre. Where there is family, there is love. Family gives you the roots to stand tall and strong”  - Brienna Lawrence (Kowanyama)

RFDS Manager - Far North Mental Health, Jos Middleton, said the program provides a wonderful opportunity to strengthen connections with Indigenous people in the Cape.

“Participants will chat with a mental health clinician during their photoshoot and discuss what provides them with strength while living in community,” she said.

“Each response will be captured and presented alongside the framed photograph of the individual or family, and provided to the participant to keep.

“The project provides community members with the opportunity to share a meaningful story which can inspire others to have the confidence to share their own tales.”

Lockhart River

“I’m happy getting my photo taken. It’s my memory, my life, gardening makes me feel good. I’m happy you are taking my photo of me and my garden. This is my life and that makes me happy. Thank you.” – Nullum Pascoe (Lockhart River)

Alongside presenting an opportunity for conversation, Faces of the Cape allows Communities to capture an image of their family and home for future generations.

“It’s for us, Laura Mob. Our photo for us, for me, for my family. Something we can keep forever, I am happy for this, it’s a good feeling,” said Faces of the Cape participant, Francis Leechen from Laura.


“I want my family to remember me when I’m gone. Family is really important to me.” Stephanie David (Kowanyama) 

Ms Middleton said the program would also raise awareness of the mental health services available to community members, in addition to encouraging participants to consider what is important for their own mental health and wellbeing.