Changing lives in your local community
Make a difference to families in regional, rural and remote Queensland by partnering with the RFDS and help save lives.
Funds provided by our partners help save lives throughout Queensland. Much needed funds are used to purchase medical equipment, train our staff, delivery health services and keep our aircraft flying to deliver the finest care to the furthest corners of Queensland. We know every business is different — which is why we offer a variety of opportunities for your organisation to partner with the RFDS. To find out more, please fill the form below or email
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Our Partners
RFDS (Queensland Section) work with a range of state-based and national partners from strategic partnerships, corporate giving to event and campaign sponsorship. In simple terms, the RFDS could not exist without the generous support of our corporate supporters, including Principal Partners: Ergon Energy Retail, Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC), QCoal Group, Woolworths and Rio Tinto.
- Ergon Energy Retail has held a volunteer donation program for its customers to donate to the RFDS through their electricity bills since 2000. In 2025, Ergon Energy Retail and the Flying Doctor celebrates 25 years of partnership, and in that time, more than $19.6 million has been raised to improve health outcomes of people across Queensland.
- Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC) continues to support the Flying Doctor by providing a gateway to Brisbane’s tertiary hospitals. Since the partnership began in 2009, BAC has contributed more than $4.1 million to the Flying Doctor.
- QCoal Group has provided essential funding to help establish a vital oral health service and the RFDS Aeromedical Training Academy in Bundaberg. Since 2013, the RFDS Dental Service has been made possible through the generous financial support of the QCoal Group and QCoal Foundation.
- Woolworths Supermarkets have supported the RFDS since 2015. Each year Woolworths stores across Queensland and Northern NSW support the Flying Doctor with an annual instore fundraising campaign where their team and customers support the RFDS and have raised over $3.3 million to keep the Flying Doctor flying.
- Rio Tinto are committed to helping enable better health access and outcomes for Queenslanders, particularly those in regional, rural and remote communities. Since 2020, Rio Tinto have supported the RFDS operations as well as the new Aeromedical Hub at Brisbane Airport.