Remote Wellbeing Service
The Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section) launched the Remote Wellbeing Service in January 2019. The service places a mental health clinician in each of our primary health care clinics across North West, Central West and South West Queensland. Clinicians work together with medical officers and nurses to meet the mental health and wellbeing needs of these communities.
The Remote Wellbeing Service provides face-to-face, one-on-one clinical counselling services with secondary services provided via the RFDS Telehealth phone line at no cost and with no referral.

The Remote Wellbeing Service visits the following RFDS Clinics from Mount Isa:
- Boulia
- Bedourie
- Birdsville
- Burketown
- Camooweal
- Urandangi
- Dajarra
- Gregory Downs
- Adel's Grove.
And the following RFDS Clinics from Charleville:
- Jundah
- Stonehenge
- Yaraka
- Windorah
- Quilpie
- Thargomindah
- Eulo
- Yowah
- Eromanga.

For further information about the RFDS Remote Wellbeing Service clinics operating in your area, please contact your local RFDS mental health team by calling 1300 010 174 or email

24 Hour Helplines
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Suicide Call Back: 1300 659 467
MensLine: 1300 78 99 78
headspace: 1800 650 890