Our Fleet
Our reliable and versatile fleet of aircraft help us to deliver life-saving care to the furthest corner of the country. Whether it's challenging weather conditions or a dirt airstrip, our fleet enables us to be ready to respond - no matter where you live, work or play.
The national RFDS fleet consists of 81 aircraft.
Currently in SA/NT, we operate a total of 21 aircraft: 20 x Pilatus PC-12 aircraft and 2 x Pilatus PC-24 aircraft.

Pilatus PC-12 NG
The PC-12 is the ultimate all-rounder in terms of capacity, amenity, speed, range and performance – making it perfect for RFDS operational activities. From outback strips to city airports, the PC-12 has operated day and night for more than 25 years to keep the RFDS in the air.
The cabin is set up with two stretcher beds and three seats, which can be used in a variety of configurations. The front door allows the pilot to conduct their pre-flight external inspections and enter the plane without disturbing the patients and medical crew in the rear.
The cockpit is configured for single-pilot operations in all weather conditions, day and night. Instrumentation is state of the art and the aircraft is powered by a single Pratt and Whitney Canada PT6A-67B turbo-prop engine.
An RFDS flight nurse is tasked on every mission, and in cases where the patient is seriously ill, a doctor is also present. Other passengers can include sitting patients, accompanying relatives or specialist medical staff.
Key stats
- 20 aircraft in SA/NT fleet
- Maximum Altitude: 30,000 feet
- Maximum Speed: 519 km/h
- Aeromedical Range: 2,889 km
- Cabin Dimensions: Width: 1.52m, Length: 4.68m, Height of 1.45m

Pilatus PC-24
In SA/NT, we currently operate two Pilatus PC-24 aeromedical jets; the ultimate flying intensive care unit.
These aeromedical aircraft are the first of their kind in Australia and around the world. With capacity for three stretchered patients and two medical teams consisting of four doctors and nurses, the PC-24 also has the capability of landing and taking off on unsealed runways as short as 800m, halve existing flight times and travel longer distances, boosting the overall fleet capacity for response times within all regions.
Operating 24/7, the primary mission of the PC-24 is to swiftly transfer critically ill patients, including those in need of neurosurgical, stroke and spinal care, from remote areas to major medical centres like Adelaide. Additionally, it facilitates RFDS crews to respond to remote multi-patient trauma incidents, conduct long-haul transportation for infants requiring life-saving surgery alongside their families, and support the repatriation of larger groups of recovering patients.
The PC-24 expedites life-saving care - Darwin to Adelaide in 3.9 hours, Alice Springs to Adelaide in 1.9 hours.
Key stats
- 2 aircraft in SA/NT fleet
- Maximum Altitude: 45,000 feet
- Maximum Speed: 815 km/h (440 knots)
- Range: 3,610 km (2,000 NM)
- Cabin Dimensions: Width: 1.69m, Length: 7m, Height of 1.55m
RFDS Medi-Jet 24 in action: