It was fantastic to be joined by more than 150 community members, donors, partners and supporters at the RFDS SA/NT Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Mount Gambier this month.

As part of the event, the RFDS was delighted to have SA Ambulance Service (SAAS) Clinical Team Leader Mount Gambier Daniel Forrest and Mount Gambier Hospital Director Nursing and Midwifery Sally Neumann join RFDS Pilot Shaun Courtney and Deputy Flight Nurse Manager Chantelle King for a panel discussion, giving insight into how the teams work together to deliver care.
The day also included an emotional aircraft dedication in memory of the late ‘Glenda’, a special benefactor from the local region. The RFDS will share the story behind this dedication in the coming weeks.
Formal AGM proceedings saw the re-election of three current Directors, Peter de Cure AM, Leanne Liddle and Dr Christine Lesnikowski, who will serve on the RFDS SA/NT Board for another three-year term.
Thank you to our volunteer RFDS Board Directors, RFDS Mount Gambier Support Group, health, corporate and community partners, the local businesses who supported the event and everyone who joined us on the day.
For back-to-back years, the RFDS has held its AGM in a regional town where it frequently lands, as it continues to create opportunities to engage with its patients and communities.
At least once a day, RFDS crews fly to Mount Gambier to airlift someone for life-saving care or specialist treatment. In 2020, the RFDS’s first-of-its-kind Patient Transfer Facility (PTF) was constructed at the local airport — the undercover hangar and attached facility has so far assisted the safe transfer of more than 3,000 patients.