National Workplace Giving

"What appealed to me is doubling the money (through matching). The charities I support through workplace giving get more, simply because I give through work." - Workplace giving donor

Workplace giving is a simple, low cost and extremely effective way to 'give back' to your community. As a Workplace Donor, you are investing in the continued health and safety of all Australians.
Your donation will be deducted from your pre-tax earnings, reducing your taxable income every pay day. You don't need to collect receipts. Your total donation amount will be included in your annual PAYG payment summary.
Your generosity will make a greater difference in ensuring valuable primary health care services can be provided for those in need right across Australia.

Employee Benefits
GO THE EXTRA MILE - The warm, fuzzy feeling you get by helping boost health services in rural and remote Australia
100% TAX DEDUCTABILITY - Group certificate records amount donated
FLEXIBILITY TO JOIN, ALTER OR WITHDRAW AT ANY TIME - Contribution can be varied to suit budget
ENHANCES THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STAFF MEMBERS - free of pressures from fundraisers

Employer benefits
ASSOCIATES THE ORGANISATION WITH CHARITABLE INTENT - Raises corporate profile in the community
ENHANCES THE BOND WITH EMPLOYEES - Allows matching of employee donations
A STRONG TEAM AND MORALE BUILDING TOOL - Cost effective with minimal administration

Easy to set up and administer
It's as easy as:
1. Encourage staff to participate.
2. Have staff complete the below payroll deduction form.
3. Have your business Payroll send the donations (and matched funds) to the Royal Flying Doctor Service (details below)
4. Register your name and contact details below so that we can keep you updated on how your donations are keeping the Flying Doctor flying (ie. news, health service updates, patient stories, research and much more.)

4 year old Tessa bitten by a brown snake
4 year old Tessa bitten by a brown snake
It was about 12.30pm on a Sunday. My kids were in the lounge room, laying about on the couch and watching TV while I prepared their food in the kitchen. That’s when I heard a scream. A moment later Tessa stumbled in and she just sort of dropped onto the ground screaming.
Read 4 year old Tessa bitten by a brown snake