Kids brush their teeth in the bathroom

6 Ways to Help Your Kids Brush Their Teeth

Date published

07 Jan 2025

Getting your kids to brush their teeth can sometimes feel like trying to herd cats. But we understand how important good oral hygiene is – not only for our teeth but also for our bodies and minds.

RFDS Tasmania is here to help make teeth-brushing time smoother for parents. 

We've put together our top six tips to encourage regular brushing that prevents tooth decay.

1- Build good brushing habits early

Starting young is key. 

The earlier you introduce your kids to the routine of brushing, the more likely it will become a natural part of their day (like eating, sleeping, and Bluey). 

Begin as soon as that first tooth pops out. Use a clean wet facecloth or a soft baby toothbrush without toothpaste to gently clean their teeth. 

Make it a consistent part of their morning and bedtime routines. Include some fun in the routine, like singing a silly teeth song or telling a funny story – whatever it takes to make brushing time enjoyable and expected.

2- Choose the right toothbrush and toothpaste

Not all toothbrushes and toothpaste are created equal, especially when it comes to kids. 

Let your child pick out a toothbrush featuring their favourite character or in a fun colour. 

This gives them a sense of ownership and excitement about brushing. 

For toothpaste, our advice is:

  • Children under 18 months – no toothpaste.
  • Children 18 months to 6 years – small pea-sized portion of toothpaste.
  • Children from 6 years on – pea-sized amount of regular, fluoride toothpaste.
      Young child holding model teeth.

      3- Lead by example

      If you’ve ever accidentally let a curse slip you’ll know, kids are natural mimics. 

      If they see you brushing and flossing regularly, they’re more likely to want to do the same. 

      Make family brushing time a thing! 

      Brush your teeth together in the morning and before bed (I know they go to bed earlier than you, but this has the bonus of reducing your late-night snacking). 

      Show them how you brush every tooth, front and back, and don’t forget to floss. 

      Your enthusiasm and commitment to dental hygiene will inspire them to follow suit.

      4- Explain why brushing their teeth is so important

      As a parent or carer of little ones, “But, why?” is probably something you’ve heard more than once. 

      Kids are curious creatures. And they often want to know the “why” behind everything. 

      If asked, take the opportunity and time to explain why brushing their teeth is crucial. Tell them how it helps keep their teeth strong, prevents cavities, and keeps their smile looking bright and beautiful. 

      You can even get creative – describe the “sugar bugs” that live on their teeth and how brushing helps to chase them away. 

      When kids understand the reason behind brushing, they’re more likely to do it willingly. There are also many great children’s books available to explain why caring for teeth is important.

      5- Make brushing enjoyable

      Brushing doesn’t have to be boring. 

      With a little creativity, you can turn brushing time into a fun time with your kids. 

      For example, there are apps with fun songs and games to keep them entertained while they brush. 

      Reward charts can be incredibly effective – let your child earn a sticker or a small prize for brushing twice a day (but don’t make it a sweet!). 

      You can also make up brushing challenges, like “Who can make the most bubbles?” or “Let’s see who can brush all their teeth the cleanest!”. 

      Use a timer to ensure they brush for the recommended time.

      6- Visit your dentist

      Dentists are our allies, and you want your kids to know this. 

      Start regular visits early, ideally by their first birthday, to help them get accustomed to the dentist’s office. 

      This may seem unnecessary but getting them familiar with visiting and having their teeth checked by a dentist will help avoid resistance when they’re older. 

      If you’ve ever had a bad experience with a dentist, you’ll appreciate that the choice of dentist is vital as first experiences leave lasting impressions. 

      Choose a paediatric dentist who specialises in treating children – they often have kid-friendly offices with toys, games, and a gentle approach. 

      These visits not only ensure that your child’s teeth are developing correctly but also reinforce the importance of dental hygiene from an early age. Plus, your dentist can provide tips and tricks tailored to your child’s needs.

      Cartoon teeth in a line

      And finally, while it may seem unnecessary to spend time caring for new teeth, it can save your child the pain and suffering of tooth decay. 

      Incorporating these strategies can transform toothbrushing from a dreaded chore into a fun and positive experience for your kids. By building good habits early, choosing the right tools, leading by example, explaining the importance, making it enjoyable, and visiting the dentist regularly, you’ll set your kids on a path to a lifetime of healthy smiles. And more importantly, avoid the pain and cost of dental issues suffered later in life. 

      So, commit to healthy teeth and a brushing routine, turn on that favourite song, grab those colourful toothbrushes, and let the brushing begin!