
Truck Run

Truckies Raise Money for RFDS

21 Jun 2024

An outstanding amount was raised for the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) through the Tasmanian Truck Owners and Operators Association’s (TTOOA) annual Launceston to Longford Truck Run in March.

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Maddison at school in hospital

Ready to go for Maddison

03 Dec 2019

“I’m just so thankful that the Flying Doctor has been there to help Maddison get the treatment she’s needed,” says Vanessa.

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Tasmanians urged to brush up on oral health

09 Aug 2019

During Dental Health Week RFDS Tasmania and St.LukesHealth have joined forces to call on Tasmanians to take oral health seriously and highlight options available to access affordable dental treatments in regional locations.

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North East Lions Club gets behind farmers

09 Aug 2019

North East Lions Club has used the proceeds from its popular Farm Feast event to support the work of the Royal Flying Doctor Service in the Dorset Community. Yesterday a cheque for $5000 was handed to RFDS president Malcolm White.

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Sending Samuel to specialist care

05 Aug 2019

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01 Jul 2019

The John Flynn Dental Assistant Scholarship was established by Royal Flying Doctor Service Tasmania in 2006 for dental assistants who are studying with TasTAFE in Certificate III. Could this opportunity help your career take flight?

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When Every Minute Counts

28 May 2019

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Life in the balance for baby Jenson

20 Feb 2019

This tiny baby boy was born four months premature and a long way from home - but the RFDS provided special transportation.

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Hobart office opened by Governor

12 Feb 2019

We've spread our wings! View photos of the grand Hobart Office opening ceremony at Government House and meet our latest scholarship recipient and two terrific long-term donors.

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