RFDS Tasmania appeal

The first day of a child's life shouldn't be their last

Date published

10 May 2021

You may recall the moment when a special child in your life came into the world. Relief, wonder, love and joy. It’s a whirlwind of emotions. But for new mum Jemma, and dad Shane, it was a very different day. The happiness they both felt when their newborn baby arrived quickly faded and became sheer panic. “The midwife put him on my chest, but something immediately felt wrong. He was limp and grey, really grey. He wasn’t kicking his legs, wriggling his arms or crying like a baby should."

Baby Zac

The Flying Doctor's expert neonatal crew sprang into action, airlifting Zac to Brisbane Hospital for emergency treatment. The CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine on board took every breath for him, and a specialist infant incubator kept him safe and warm.
But then Jemma started to haemorrhage and needed help too.

While Zac was being cared for on board one Flying Doctor flight, his mum Jemma was being treated and supported by Flying Doctor nurse, Jo, on another.

It took Zac a few days in intensive care to clear the fluid on his lungs. But, after a week, he was well enough to fly home with his mum. Finally, Jemma was able to hold her baby in her arms without having to worry about tubes, wires and bleeping machines. She knew her little boy was safe.

That’s the life-saving difference your support makes.

Today, your tax-deductible donation can help:

By sending a donation today, you can make sure the life of another child like Zac doesn’t end on that very first day. Thank you.