Calvary in hospital

Handle with Care - saving Calvary

Date published

06 May 2020

Sofia and Matt always wanted a big family.

Having already had four healthy children, the couple from Perth, Western Australia, never imagined anything would be different with their next baby.

But Sofia’s 20-week scan brought news no parent wants to hear.  Their unborn daughter, Calvary, had a rare heart condition that she would not survive, if not treated within the first three days of life.

Plans were put in place for Sofia to give birth at The Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne where specialist surgery for her daughter was available. But they had not counted on Calvary arriving early.

Calvary in hospital after her surgery

“I think of how sudden it was that we needed the Flying Doctor and how quickly they were there for us.

Never in my life did I imagine that our family would need them but when we did, they were there in an instant,” Sofia recalls.

Safe inside an incubator with the Flying Doctor crew on board, Calvary made the 2,700km journey from Perth to Melbourne to undergo a marathon 10 hour surgery that would save her life.

“At the time I was so overwhelmed I didn’t really have the chance to thank anyone,” Sofia said. “Matt and I appreciate every single day we have with Calvary."

"There are times we really thought we would not be bringing Calvary home. But now we have all this time. She’s three and a half now and I feel so blessed.”

Sofia and Matt and their family

Thanks to our generous supporters, the Flying Doctor was able to get Calvary the vital care she needed.

But Sofia and Matt are not alone in their experience.

Every year we care for thousands of patients and their families in difficult situations but we won’t be able to keep doing that without remarkable supporters like you.

Your tax-deductible gift will mean that our expert crew can be in the air or on the road fast, stocked with the most advanced equipment. Please donate today and help us save more little lives like Calvary’s.