Linda knew something was wrong when her 11-year-old daughter, Georgia didn’t get out of bed that morning.
“She was really out of it, more like unconscious than asleep. She was boiling hot, and she was breathing with these rapid, shallow breaths – like she was gasping for air,” Linda recalls.
She knew she had to act fast and quickly bundled Georgia into the family car, and began the long drive to their nearest medical clinic 130km away.
When they arrived at the clinic, the nurse took one look at Georgia’s breathing and oxygen levels and instantly knew she needed the help of the Flying Doctor.
Within minutes of that urgent call, the Flying Doctor aircraft was in the air and on its way. Linda will always remember the moment the RFDS crew arrived.
“It was a bit like an entire ICU had suddenly landed. It was an unforgettable sight, watching them set up all their machines and connect all their tubes.”
The experienced aeromedical team knew time was running out for Georgia and were in action just seconds after landing, starting immediate treatment that would ultimately save her life.
The cause of Georgia’s breathing problems was Melioidosis, a bacterial infection found throughout remote Australia that can kill in as little as 48 hours.
Right away, the intensive care treatment began to turn Georgia’s condition around. And 24 hours later, the worst was finally behind her. The crew on board the aircraft did everything in their power to save Georgia’s life. Without the Flying Doctor, she wouldn’t have survived her infection.
When families like Georgia’s need the Flying Doctor, our crew needs to be there at a moment’s notice.
To save lives, they need to make every minute count. Can they count on your support today?
Your donation will help reach a $759,000 goal to make sure every Flying Doctor aircraft has the advanced equipment needed to save the lives of more children like Georgia.