
Donating your time as a volunteer makes you a vital part of our organisation.

Our volunteers receive a full induction, learn new skills and are invited to RFDS social events throughout the year.

As a RFDS volunteer you can

RFDS Tas volunteers at an event

Attend Events

Attending RFDS and community events as a volunteer will see you talking to the public about our services, accepting donations and being an extra set of hands at home and on the road.

RFDS Tas volunteers

Provide Feedback

RFDS Tasmania volunteers also lend their voice to make sure the information we provide is accessible. Your feedback on our posters, pamphlets and documents helps us communicate with all Tasmanians.

RFDS Volunteers in front of the mental health hub bus

Drive Our RFDS Vehicles

Getting our services to the rural and remote communities we service can be difficult. Appropriately licensed volunteers can help by towing our educational simulator or driving our mental health hub bus.

Register your interest below

Thank you for your support.

* required fields

As a volunteer, you will be working with and around children and potentially vulnerable people. RFDS Tasmania is committed to providing a safe environment for all Tasmanians.

If you answered "no" to the above...

Consumer Representatives offer feedback on the information we provide (brochures, fact sheets etc) and insights into your community needs.