Wills and Bequests
Make the gift of your lifetime.
Your 'Gift in Will' provides an opportunity to change lives and leave a lasting legacy.
"I would strongly encourage those considering leaving a bequest to the RFDS to do so. I have because I want to help the life-saving work of the RFDS continue into the future. For those who live or travel in remote and isolated areas, access to first class health care can make a world of difference to them and their families." – Belinda Rogerson, bequestor and long time supporter.

Where your legacy goes
Funding is always needed to purchase vital medical equipment, keep the doctor flying and provide essential health services. By leaving a bequest, you enable aircraft to be equipped and maintained during its 20 years of service, then upgraded as and when required, as well as support our many services.You will help save lives.
Who to address your bequest to
The Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) is made up of seven legal entities operating around Australia and under a federated structure. Each of the entities are independent, both financially and operationally, with their own Board and management. To make a bequest to RFDS Tasmania you will need to address your bequest to:
Royal Flying Doctor Service (Tasmania)
Level 1, 18 Paterson Street
Launceston TAS 7250
ABN 93785910050
Suggested Wording
We recommend you seek advice from a solicitor to ensure that the wording of your Will reflects your exact wishes.
It is important to remember to review your Will regularly, particularly when life circumstances change. There are several ways of leaving a bequest, dependent on what is best for you and your family. Below is some suggested wording to accommodate most bequest provisions in your Will.
1. A specific bequest which may be money, property, stocks, shares, or insurance."I give, free of all duties and taxes, the amount of $ or my units/shares in Trust/Ltd, or my real property situated at [insert street address] having the title reference to [insert specific RFDS Section name, ABN and address]. The receipt of the treasurer, secretary or public officer for the time being of [insert RFDS section name] is an absolute discharge to my executor."
2. A residual gift is where you can nominate to leave part or all of what is left of your estate, after provisions have been made for family and friends."I give, free of all duties and taxes, the residue of my estate (or % of the residue of my estate), to [insert specific RFDS Section name, ABN and address]. The receipt of the treasurer, secretary or public officer for the time being of [insert RFDS Section name] is an absolute discharge to my executor."
3. A percentage bequest is where you can nominate to leave a specified percentage of your total estate."I give, free of all duties and taxes, % of my estate to [insert RFDS Section name, ABN and address]. The receipt of the treasurer, secretary or public officer for the time being of [insert RFDS Section name] is an absolute discharge to my executor."
Contact us for more information on leaving a bequest to RFDS Tasmania.