Corporate Support
As a charity, RFDS Victoria relies heavily on the generosity of companies to continue our work in rural and remote Victoria.
Australian and multinational companies are quickly realising that being a good 'corporate citizen' is not only the right thing to do but is also good for business. Companies are eager to support the Flying Doctor in a wide range of ways including corporate partnership, sponsorship, volunteering, advice, pro bono services, workplace giving, donations and much more.

We are honoured to have a number of Corporate Partners that provide financial and corporate support to help keep the Flying Doctor flying by supporting our programs directly, supporting one of our stakeholder events or being an event sponsor. Details of our partnerships nationally and at state-level are covered on our partners pages at national and state level.

Workplace Giving
Many companies set up Workplace Giving programs to encourage employees to contribute and support the Flying Doctor, with the company then matching every dollar contributed. Such programs have been very successful as they help employees and employers to make a significant difference to those in need.
Partnering with the Flying Doctor is a great opportunity for your organisation to connect with the community and reach a new and captive audience.
RFDS Victoria has enlisted the support of good2give, which is a centralised body that coordinates workplace donations on our behalf. Our workplace giving program through good2give means that our administration costs are reduced so that we can focus on keeping the Flying Doctor flying. If you are interested in donating via workplace giving & your employer is not currently set up with good2give, then please click here for more information.
You can demonstrate your corporate social responsibility by supporting RFDS Victoria in the following ways:
- introduce a Workplace Giving program
- establish and support a staff volunteering program
- promote RFDS Victoria to your clients by displaying the RFDS Victoria donor newsletter or other information
- donate a percentage of your profits
- provide your goods or services free of charge
- fund a needed piece of medical or aircraft equipment
- contribute to an existing program that needs funding
- contribute to the purchase of a new aircraft
- cause related marketing
- sponsor an event
- sponsor the Going the Distance Dinner
- donate proceeds from an event
Whether you are a large multinational company or a small business, we would like the opportunity to meet with you to discuss ways to form a mutually beneficial relationship. For more information please contact us at