Leave a Gift-In-Will
Keep the great Australian story alive forever.
A Gift in Will to RFDS Victoria is a heartfelt statement about everything you love and the issues you care about most passionately. A Gift in your Will allows us to continue our life-changing primary healthcare and patient transport services.
Today, Gifts in Wills to the Flying Doctor are one of our greatest sources of funding. As we look to the future, the needs will continue to grow in both the services we provide and the way in which they are delivered. Whether large or small, every Gift is greatly valued because it will help us have a positive impact on someone's life and in doing so provide the greatest gift.
The generosity of our loyal supporters make it possible for us to bring medical care and attention to those who need it wherever they are.

Gillian's story
When Gillian Knight moved from Melbourne to Paynesville in her sixties, she decided it was time to indulge her passion for adventure by travelling solo all over Australia in a one-person tent. It wasn't until she was 76 that Gillian swapped the tent for the relative luxury of a small caravan. And she continued her travel adventures well into her eighties.
Read Gillian's full story and find out why she's leaving a gift to RFDS Victoria in her will by reading our brochure above.

Who to address your bequest to
The Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) is made up of seven legal entities operating around Australia and under a federated structure. Each of the entities are independent, both financially and operationally, with their own Board and management.
To make a bequest to RFDS Victoria you will need to address your bequest to:Royal Flying Doctor Service (Victoria) Level 1, 345 Bridge Road Richmond VIC 3121, ABN 71 004 196 230

A quick and easy option for creating your Will online
Willed is an easy-to-use platform that allows you to create your Will through an online portal in less than 20 minutes.
Learn more here.
If you'd like to find out more please contact our Gift In Will Coordinator Teresa Cianciosi on 03 8412 0448 or email on giw@rfdsvic.com.au